Friday, May 22, 2020

How to Make Authentic Recruitment Videos

How to Make Authentic Recruitment Videos “Cobb: Youre waiting for a train. A train thatll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you cant know for sure. Yet it doesnt matter. Now, tell me why? Mal: Because youll be together!” Inception, 2010 The candidate experience is more than face to face interactions. When prospective talent interacts with your brand online, they form an opinion on the possibility of working together. Content can make the viewer imagine your brand as a part of their career story. Video is the easiest form of content to consume. And everyone with a cell phone can create a video, even the recruiters, marketers and hiring managers on your team. You don’t have to hire a professional video marketing agency to make effective recruitment videos. Making great recruitment videos can be as simple as “a well framed shot, with good lighting and good sound,” writes Yumna Bahgat on the Zoomforth Blog. For longer form recruitment videos, you want employees to tell their workplace stories. Here are 3 questions to get your employees talking about why the viewer should join your company: What do you look forward to on your way to work? Why work here instead of (company name of market incumbent)? And simply put, what do you love about your work? “Video makes content more human and personable,” writes LinkedIn Talent Solutions. “It gives people a chance to express how they feel and say how they feel whilst in the moment, providing a fresh outlook and making them relatable to the people watching.” Just as text content marketing is not limited to a single core piece of content, recruitment video marketing is not limited to a single ‘what-it’s-like-to-work-here’ video. Quality recruitment video marketing strategy creates an internal process of recurring prompts to get hiring teams involved in recruitment video marketing. Companies that are on the forefront of recruitment innovation proactively turn to user generated employee testimonials to make their recruitment campaigns more authentic. I mean, if you were considering applying to a job, wouldn’t it be great to watch a one minute video of a hiring manager explaining the job, as opposed to spending 5 minutes reading dry bullet points? Short videos of employees and shot by employees are the easy wins of an authentic recruitment video marketing campaign. The stories of employees are the stories that attract your next hire. In order to show authenticity to prospective talent, start by making a simple recruitment video today.

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